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If you want to achieve your GREATEST self, be your BIGGEST fan.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not been able to find one thing you like about yourself?

I'm guilty! Insecurities lie in the mind of the weak... SO I had to push through that feeling until I seen the greatness that is within me!

I have realized that my biggest enemy can be ME. Criticizing myself over the most minuscule things. IT could be one small thing that I didn't do, accomplish or commit to and I am beating myself up about it. BUT it has NEVER done anything for me by doing that but wasted time and headspace for more amazing things to be done!

What you think, you become.

What you feel, you attract.

What you imagine, you create.

What you FEEL has repercussions, good or BAD!

Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire. REFUSE to bad-talk yourself! In that moment of frustration or self-doubt, feel it BUT never give up on yourself, once you do, there is NOBODY left.

If no one is cheering you on, then motivate yourself...

Be your BIGGEST fan!

Keep telling yourself that you are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy, compassionate, beautiful, creative, inspiring, brave, true, strong, and able until you finally realize it for yourself.

It is moments of despair that are the most viable for positive affirmation and to reinforce yourself of the FAN that lives in YOU!

Confidence is your best accessory; NEVER leave home without it.

Be noble, for you are made of stars. You should always be your biggest fan!

Back yourself completely! Be happy with the process you've made so far and congratulate yourself because YOU did it!

Focus on your OWN shit. Be your BIGGEST fan and get shit done.

(This is also a message to self!)

With love,

~Brianna Michelle

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