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Keeping Your Dreams ALIVE

BE the flower that grows from Concrete


There is a quote from one of my favorite motivational speakers, Les Brown that states:

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry our their dream.”

This quote struck a cord in me and I cried. I cried and truly thought to myself, "Am I living my dream to my full potential? Am I doing ALL that I can to make my life the way that I want it? Am I LIVING my HAPPIEST life? OR am I just living and flowing with life as it comes?" My answer was. "I am NOT living to my fullest potential, not even a quarter of it! I am NOT doing ALL that I can to live up to the gifts that God has given me! I am NOT living my HAPPIEST life!" I cried some more.

I look in the mirror at myself, eyes blood shot red and more tears streaming down my face... I had to stop because everything in me said "YOU ARE ALIVE, everything in your body is ALIVE, all your dreams and aspirations are ALIVE in front of you waiting to grab them!"

"YOU ARE ALIVE! LIIIIIIIIIIIVE! What are you waiting for?"

So I wrote down ALL the things that I want to do in this life of mine, ALL the dreams and desires of my heart.

***I WILL LIVE a RICH life, not just rich in finances but also rich spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.***

I DESERVE IT! And it starts with ME, SERIOUSLY believing that..

So many times I have let my feelings, aspirations, visions and dreams live dormant in me because of fear, self doubt, age shaming, or even by dealing with other people, their emotions and/or even their personal thoughts about what I should be doing. WHICH is NEVER a productive life to LIVE.

So I am saying to you and to myself that this life is to be LIVED, our dreams are to be responded to with action, our feelings are LIVE and need to be expressed, and our passions of our heart desires and are to be executed!

No matter how long it has taken me to realize this, it is a REALIZATION. It is in every vessel of my HEALTHY, LIVING body to LISTEN to myself because there is no more important time than NOW to be active and determined to do my ULTIMATE BEST. It's in me and with just the FAITH of a mustard seed, ALL THINGS are possible!

I can't wait to share with you all the projects that are happening in my life right now. I'm elated about what my life is blossoming into and what the future has for me!

I will leave you with this:

"The most expensive things that you could ever do is... Pay attention to the negative thoughts in your head and pay attention to the wrong people!" LET THAT SOAK IN...

Have a wonderful, blessed and progressive day!

With love,

~Brianna Michelle

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