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No More Limitations

There is a quotes that says: 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are NO limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go BEYOND them." ~Bruce Lee

I love this quote...

Setting limitations restricts our power.  It limits our faith, stunts our growth and ultimately keeps us on a lower frequency when we should be vibrating higher.

I am guilty of putting limitations on myself before and even as of yesterday!  I was

limiting myself by questioning my dreams/passions, wondering how long it would take, how I could do everything alone, doubting my abilities, listening to others, creating scenarios that weren't forward moving, living in the past or the future instead of living in the present moment and by limited energy.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it manifested in my reality. My daily routines, my work ethic, and relationships were limited.   I created limited esteem, a limited vision and I limited my career opportunities.

It came to a head yesterday morning.  I was looking in the mirror, staring (literally) at my reflection seeing SO MUCH life, potential, hope, ambition, determination and love.  Much of which I wasn't using... 

I would listen to the advice of others instead of listening to my conscious and my heart. Limiting!

Involved in uninspired relationships.


Allowing the limitations of others to influence my moves.



However, I know there is SO MUCH FOR ME. I'm NOT just a model!  I am SO much more. I am a creative, a writer, speaker, innovator, designer, advocate and founder of programs that will empower women and youth.

ALL these skills live in me.  All of which was a gift from God.  How dare I limit myself?!

I have to LET GO of all that is limiting my vibration and RISE up and live at my highest vibration and beyond.

I chose to cut the cord of limitations... I recognize my power and I plan to use it to my advantage... I hope that you do the same! 

I will leave you with this:

"The mind that perceives limitations is the limitation!"

~Brianna Michelle

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